1OGS Hydrolase date May 13, 2003
title Human Acid-Beta-Glucosidase
authors H.Dvir, M.Harel, A.A.Mccarthy, L.Toker, I.Silman, A.H.Futerman, J.L.Sussman
compound source
Molecule: Glucosylceramidase
Synonym: Glucocerebrosidase, Beta-Glucocerebrosidase, Acid Beta-Glucosidase, D-Glucosyl-N-Acylsphingosine Glucohydrolase, Alglucerase, Imiglucerase;
Chain: A, B
Engineered: Yes
Synthetic: Yes
Organism_scientific: Homo Sapiens
Organism_common: Human
Expression_system: Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
Expression_system_cell_line: Cho
symmetry Space Group: C 2 2 21
R_factor 0.195
length a length b length c angle alpha angle beta angle gamma
107.735 285.232 91.678 90.00 90.00 90.00
method X-Ray Diffractionresolution 2.0 Å
ligand SO4, NDG, NAGenzyme Hydrolase E.C.
similarity Belongs to family 30 of glycosyl hydrolases.[Glyco_hydro_30]
catalytic activ. D-glucosyl-n-acylsphingosine + h(2)o = d- glucose + n-acylsphingosine.
subcellular loc. Lysosomal, membrane bound.
genes GBA, GC (H. sapiens)
chain A: GO:0004348, GO:0005764, GO:0005975, GO:0006665, GO:0007040, GO:0016020, GO:0016787, GO:0016798
chain B: GO:0004348, GO:0005764, GO:0005975, GO:0006665, GO:0007040, GO:0016020, GO:0016787, GO:0016798
disease Gaucher disease with cardiovascularcalcification
Gaucher disease
Graves disease,susceptibility to,3
Hydrops fetalis, in utero fetal death and neonatal distress are prominent features. Type 3 (subacute, neuronopathic) have central nervous manifestations. In most cases, nonimmune hydrops fetalis is present, it is associated with hepatosplenomegaly, ichthyosis, arthrogryposis, and facial dysmorphism. Gaucher disease has been classified into three phenotypes. The defect leads to accumulation of glucosylceramide within the cells of the reticuloendothelial system. Another classification is based on the absence (type 1) or presence and severity of primary cns involvement. Defects in gba are the cause of pseudo-gaucher disease [mim. 231005]. Type 1 (adult, nonneuronopathic) is characterized by hepatosplenomegaly (consequent anemia and thrombopenia), and bone involvement, but the central nervous system is not involved. It is a distinct form of type 2 gaucher disease, characterized by fetal onset. It manifests soon after birth, with death generally occurring before patients reach two years of age. Defects in gba are the cause of gaucher disease (gd) [mim. 230800, 230900, 231000], the most prevalent lysosomal storage disease. Hepatosplenomegaly is a major sign, and is associated with ichthyosis, arthrogryposis, and facial dysmorphism in 35 to 43% of cases. Type 2 (acute neuronopathic), is the most severe form and is universally progressive and fatal. When hydrops is absent, neurologic involvement begins in the first week and leads to death within 3 months. Defects in gba are the cause of perinatal lethal gaucher disease [mim. 608013].
Primary referenceX-ray structure of human acid-beta-glucosidase, the defective enzyme in Gaucher disease., Dvir H, Harel M, McCarthy AA, Toker L, Silman I, Futerman AH, Sussman JL, EMBO Rep 2003 Jul;4(7):704-9. PMID:12792654
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        - Domain d1ogsa2, region A:78-431 [Jmol] [rasmolscript] [script source]
        - Domain d1ogsb1, region B:1-77,B:432-497 [Jmol] [rasmolscript] [script source]
        - Domain d1ogsb2, region B:78-431 [Jmol] [rasmolscript] [script source]
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  • SWISS-PROT database: [P04062]
  • Domain organization of [GLCM_HUMAN] by SWISSPFAM
  • Conserved protein region description, domain view and alignment from family Glyco_hydro_30 (PF02055) of Pfam.
  • Alignments of the sequence of 1OGS with the sequences similar proteins can be viewed for classification [GLCM_HUMAN] at ProtoMap. Click on "Neighbors List", then on the "See Alignments" button below the list.
  • A sequence distance tree ("phylogenetic tree") can be viewed for 1ACL's classification [GLCM_HUMAN] at ProtoMap. Click on the Cluster number.
  • Other resources with information on 1OGS
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    Weizmann Institute of Science