Special lecture on Creativity and Life in Science

09 - January -2020    Duration: 11:00 AM To 12:00 PM

Venue: Seminar Hall

Speaker: Dr Amit Ghosh

Title: Creativity and Life in Science

Abstract: Creativity involves originality and inventiveness. Most people believe that human creativity is the result of some kind of God-given gift, a gift associated with the likes of Einsteins and Ramanujans who made incredible impacts through their great intellectual leaps. It is often not realized, however, that there exists a less dramatic kind of creativity, which is no less important in driving science forward: problem solving. Overcoming a single hurdle may sometimes lead to results that can have a major impact. In this lecture, the nature of creativity, what augments and what hinders it and how one can attempt to enhance ones creative potential will be discussed following the footsteps of some great minds who have pondered over this phenomenon.
