Dr. Anirban Roy Choudhury
Chief Scientist
Microbial metabolites are extensively utilized across numerous industries due to their exceptional functional properties and biodegradability, offering significant advantages over synthetic compounds. Our laboratory primarily focuses on fermentative production of various commercially important biomolecules. Specifically, we are working on novel as well as existing microbial polysaccharides, which are abundant yet relatively less exploited in class of biopolymers. One of our major achievements is the development of economically feasible bioprocess for Pullulan, Xanthan gum, and Gellan gum. Moreover, our team has developed industry-ready technology for alpha-amylase production via submerged fermentation. Recently, we have also successfully completed a collaborative project with VSSC-ISRO for development, optimization, process development and scale-up studies for biodegradation of ammonium perchlorate, a byproduct generated in large quantities by space agencies. We are also exploiting polysaccharides to develop biomaterials, such as hydrogels, nanogels, and nano-emulsions, via a green chemistry approach. These biomaterials have been employed in bioactive molecule encapsulation, controlled delivery, and environmental remediation. Additionally, we have initiated working on production of microbial fluorescent pigments with their applications. Furthermore, our research is expanding into the exciting field of nano-nutraceutical formulation, where we are utilizing polyphenols derived from food industry waste to create functional foods, supporting circular economy principles.
Google scholar link: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=22fxEsQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works
- N. Srivastava, R. Mohan and A. Roy Choudhury, “A novel gellan-based nanoemulgel delivery system for co-encapsulation and in vitro digestion of hydrophilic/hydrophobic nutraceuticals,” Carbohydrate Polymer, vol. 348, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2024.122855, (2024).
- T. Sagpariya, N. Srivastava, S. Kumari, A. K. Pinnaka, and A. Roy Choudhury, “Functional and physicochemical characterization of marine exopolysaccharide derived from the novel bacterium Algoriphagus sp. K5R and its application towards biomineralization of gold and silver,” Polymer International, doi: 10.1002/pi.6693, (2024).
- S. Katiyar, N. Srivastava, and A. Roy Choudhury, “Microbial fermentation-based synthesis of nano-curcumin suggesting the role of pullulan in nano-formulation,” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, vol. 265, p. 131088, doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131088, (2024).
- N. Srivastava and A. Roy Choudhury, “Thermo-reversible self-assembled novel gellan gum hydrogels containing amino acid biogelators with antibacterial activity,” Carbohydrate Polymer, vol. 324, p. 121462, doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.121462, (2024).
- N. Srivastava, Richa, and A. Roy Choudhury, “Enhanced encapsulation efficiency and controlled release of co-encapsulated Bacillus coagulans spores and vitamin B9 in gellan/κ-carrageenan/chitosan tri-composite hydrogel,” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, vol. 227, pp. 231–240, doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.12.118, (2023).
Last Modified Date:- 12-11-2024