A Special Seminar on “Targeting the a-synuclein oligomer in Parkinson’s disease: Not one but many” by Prof. Daniel Otzen, Aarhus University, Denmark

13 - December -2017    Duration: 11:00 AM To 12:00 PM

Venue: Seminar Hall, CSIR-IMTech

A Special Seminar on “Targeting the a-synuclein oligomer in Parkinson’s disease: Not one but many” by Prof. Daniel Otzen, Aarhus University, Denmark


Prof. Deniel Otzen earned his PhD from Aarhus and Cambridge University, UK. After postdoctoral studies, he joined Aalborg University as the associate professor and later moved to Aarhus University as Professor in the Department of Life Science. Prof. Otzen research is focused towards understanding of kinetics and thermodynamics of protein conformational changes such as during membrane protein folding and protein fibrillation.